Words from the CEO

Al Arabia Overseas Recruitment - a division of Al Arabia Travel - is a renowned name in the human resources and recruitment industry for the last thirty three years with an excellent track record. Al Arabia Travel is a recruitment consultancy partnership firm licensed by the Ministry of External Affairs (MEA), Government of India and a recruitment firm registered with the Royal Consulate General of Saudi Arabia*

This website, Al Arabia Jobs, is our digital platform that supports both job providers and job seekers. We use complex algorithms to match the requirements of a job provider to the skills of a job seeker. We also provide stellar services to job seekers from the day of job application till the day of joining. We help you find the perfect solution for all your career-related problems.

Our clients are always at the top of our priority list. We make sure that your journey with us is safe, guaranteed, and exceeds your expectations. We provide world-class strategic staffing solutions for the global market, including employee search & selection for all types of jobs.

Our knowledge, expertise and experience in this domain since 1988 has allowed us to deliver solutions for all kinds of HR demands - specifically in the healthcare sector. Our fast delivery has gained us the reputation of being a reliable and efficient recruitment service provider.

The best teams are built by identifying the right mix of talent, skills, attitude and personality. We have a keen eye for identifying these, and we are proud of our team and the teams that we have helped to build.

* MEA License No: B-0840/MUM/PART/1000+/5/7493/2006

* Saudi Consulate Registration No: 213/94/16/E

KC Abdulrahman
Email: kc.abdulrahman@alarabiajobs.com